讲座名称:Introducing GPenSIM as a Tool for Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Systems
讲座人:Prof. Dr. Reggie Davidrajuh
Reggie Davidrajuh,博士、教授、挪威技术科学院院士,现就职于挪威斯塔万格大学。Reggie Davidrajuh 院士生于1962年8月,1994年在挪威理工学院控制系统工程专业获得硕士学位,2021年在挪威科技大学工业工程专业获得博士学位,2016年在波兰AGH科技大学获得信息科学学术资格认定证书,2022年在波兰西利亚里大学获得机械工程专业博士学位,2008年在挪威斯塔万格大学晋升电子与计算机工程专业正教授,2019年当选挪威技术科学院院士。Reggie Davidrajuh的研究兴趣包括理论:离散事件系统:建模,仿真和性能分析,Petri网,算法,图论,实时系统等,是International Journal of Business & Systems Research主编,Electronic Government: An International Journal与Expert Systems with Applications副编辑。截至目前,Reggie Davidrajuh 教授已完成开发离散事件动态系统软件GPenSIM一套,发表专著3部,论文157篇,在Petri网理论及在工业控制中的应用领域有一定的学术影响力。
General-purpose Petri Net Simulator (GPenSIM) is a tool developed by the speaker for modeling, simulation, and performance analysis of discrete systems. Researchers in at least 24 universities worldwide use GpenSIM for teaching and research. Also, GPenSIM has been used to model a few industrial problems, such as the flow capacity modelling of an airport in North Norway and detecting bottlenecks in an automobile manufacturing plant in Poland. In this talk, the following topics will be presented:
1. The need for developing a new tool.
2. Why GPenSIM has become popular.
3. The characteristics of GPenSIM for modeling large industry problems.
4. The ease of verifying theories and protocols.
5. Some examples (also in Supervisory Control).