讲座人:Nadine Riviere教授
Nadine Riviere 是多米尼克国立大学通识教育处主任,在校教授历史、文学和英语方向课程。她曾就任于多米尼克教育部,目前担任多米尼克孔子课堂理事会理事,联合国开发计划署国家指导委员会成员,多个杂志撰稿人,公共服务工会执行委员。
This presentation focuses on brief snapshots of the Caribbean Story, and uses Dominica, one of the Caribbean islands to do so. The presentation will briefly touch on some of the more popular Amerindian tribes, often considered the indigenous people of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as, how European contact with the New World in the fifteenth century caused a decline in the Amerindian population who were eventually wiped out, but a rise in the African population as a result of need for a free labour force—slaves, to work on the economically prosperous sugar and coffee plantations. Slavery in the British West Indies was abolished, leaving islands like Dominica to forge a way forward, into new, independent economies driven by sectors such as Agriculture, Tourism, and new diplomatic friendships, as with the People’s Republic of China.