讲座名称:Vehicle Computing: Vision and Challenges
讲座人:施巍松 教授
地点:腾讯会议直播(ID:743 571 410)
施巍松,西电杰出校友,IEEE Fellow,AAIA Fellow。现为美国特拉华大学计算机和信息科学系教授及系主任,美国基金委计算机和信息学部顾问委员,智能驾驶实验室(CAR Lab)主任,美国基金委电动网联自动驾驶技术(eCAT)企业高校联合研究中心主任。2013到2015年间担任美国国家科学基金会(NSF)项目主任。施巍松教授是全国第四届百篇优秀博士论文获得者(2002),中国科协优秀科技论文奖获得者(2020)。他是边缘计算和自动驾驶领域的世界知名学者,2016年发表的“Edge Computing:Vision and Challenges”一文被他引6600多次。施教授为《信息与智能学报(英文)》(Journal of Information and Intelligence)的编委。更多信息请访问个人网页:http://weisongshi.org
Vehicles have been majorly used for transportation in the last century. With the proliferation of onboard computing and communication capabilities, we envision that future connected vehicles (CVs) will serve as a mobile computing platform in addition to their conventional transportation role for the next century. In this talk, he will present the vision of Vehicle Computing, i.e., CVs are the perfect computation platforms, and connected devices/things with limited computation capacities can rely on surrounding CVs to perform complex computational tasks. In addition, he will share the research activities form his CAR lab.